User Documentation for ConDir ----------------------------- The purpose of this program is to let you, the user, have access to different file areas, including CD ROM drives, without having to read through the normal DLG File Areas. In addition, this helps the sysop out by not forcing him to have a bunch of file descriptions taking up space on his hard drive. The program is relatively easy to use. Most of the program control is done with the number keys. If you have an IBM or clone, make sure you turn on your number lock. Also, this program uses ANSI screen positioning AND ANSI colors. You will need to use a FULLY ANSI capable terminal program. Here is an example screen: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Directory: cd0: (8)Up (2)Down E(X)it (T)ype (L)ist (D)own Dir (U)p Dir (G)Mark File (H)elp -> AB20 2048 21-Jun-93 AB20.INFO 724 02-May-93 AMINET 2048 21-Jun-93 AMINET.INFO 724 02-May-93 DIRS.TXT 8367 20-Jun-93 I_AB20 58811 12-May-93 I_AMINET 192169 10-Jun-93 [...] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The cursor (->) points to either a file or a directory located in the current directory. Directory names will be in a different color from the files listed. You can move the cursor with specific key commands which are: 8 - Move the cursor up one time. If the cursor is at the top of a listing, the program will attempt to go to the previous page. 2 - Move the cursor down one time. Again, if the cursor is at the bottom of the listing, the program will display the next page. 6 - Move to the next page of listings. 4 - Move to the previous page of listings. 7 - Move the curser to the top position on page. 1 - Move the curser to the bottom position of page. If the program determines that there are no more previous or next pages or listings, nothing will appear to happen. If you wish to look at a particular directory, move the cursor to that directory (remember directories are in a different color) and press the D key. This then lists the files/directories in that particular directory. If you wish to return back to the previous directory, hit the U key. If you decide that you would like to download a particular file, move the cursor to that file and hit G. This will pop up a little message telling you that it marked that file for later downloading and ask you to hit the enter key. When you are done marking files exit the program and hit the D key once you return to the normal DLG File Area prompt. You can also see a list of all the files you have marked so far by hitting the R key. If at any time the display seems to be corrupted (ie, line noise), you can hit the L key to redram the screen. If you forget the key commands, hit the H key for a help screen. The Type option (T command) lets you display TEXT files. This is really useful especially since most CD ROMs have files.bbs or *.readme files which have long descriptions of files. If you have any questions, leave feedback to the sysop and he'll get back to you as soon as possible.